Please click HERE to view our Nurture Booklet for Parents.
Glasgow City Council and Education Services are committed to the continuing development of nurture provision and nurturing approaches as part of our dedication to early and effective intervention. We wish to meet the emotional needs of our most vulnerable children.
Glasgow City Council Nurturing Principles are:
*Children's learning is understood developmentally
*The playroom offers a safe base
*The importance of nurture for the development of self-esteem
*Language is a vital means of communication
*All behaviour is communication
*The importance of transition in children's lives
Here at Penilee we aim to be a nurturing school and follow Glasgow City Council's Nurturing Principles through a range of ways.
1. All staff have had nurture training and training on brain development.
2. We provide a safe, secure and caring environment for all children.
3. We develop children's self-esteem and positive behaviour in a wide range of ways but specifically through our PAThs programme. (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies).
4. We develop children's skills in literacy and language through a wide range of experiences and activities.
5. We operate an effective transition programme to support children through times of change.