When the children first come into the nursery they have a peg where they can leave their jacket and bag. Parents/carers must then take them to the register area where a member of staff will mark them into nursery.
Throughout their session in nursery the children will have the choice to take part in a range of learning experiences, both indoors and outdoors. They will also have an opportunity to have snack and lunch if they wish. The nursery staff will encourage them to access a broad range of experiences and support them in areas where they feel they would benefit.
As children take part in a range of activities they will learn about the different areas of the curriculum and some examples of their journey will be evidenced on their digital Learning Journal on an app called Seesaw. This will have new updates weekly of your child's learning, parent information, useful links and information. Twice a year we hold parent's meetings which give parents and their child's keyworker a chance to discuss progress and plan any next steps in learning.