Penilee Nursery School

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Community Partnerships

We work hard to maintain good relationships within the local community:


The police, paramedics, fire-fighters, dentist, the hygienist and the oral health action team visit us regularly.

We deliver the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies Programme (PAThS). The purpose of the PAThS Preschool curriculum is to enhance social and emotional competence and understanding in children, as well as to develop a caring, pro-social context that facilitates educational processes in the classroom.

We visit our local community centre each week to take part in Book Bug sessions with other children in the community. Our children benefit from walking in their local enviroment and explore new routes to get the the community centre and becoming familiar with the local enviroment.  At Book Bug we take part in songs, stories and rhymes.  Our children come back to nursery and share with their friends what they have learned. 

We visit our local Care Home to see the residents. This year we are helping to revamp their garden and we have some planters that we are going to look after. 

When possible we take the children on outings, especially within the local community.

We have external visitors who visit regularly to help us implement the curriculum. 

We are a proactive member of the Rosshall Learning Community  and, through partnership working, ensure that quality pre-school education and care is at the forefront of all local initiatives.

We work together with other local nurseries to share good practices and improve our learning environment.