Health and Wellbeing 
We aim to be a Health Promoting School and Health and Wellbeing is a core curricular area within Penilee Nursery School. It is promoted in a range of ways. Some of these are:
1. Daily Mile - All children participate in our Daily Mile every day they are in nursery.
2. Physical Play - During a child's day in nursery they are able to participate in a range of physical and active activities, both indoors and out.
3. Emotional Wellbeing - One of the experiences that children are involved in is the PAThs (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) programme at nursery. This is to help the children learn about their emotions and feelings and how to manage their own behaviour.
4. Healthy Eating - We operate a Healthy Eating Policy. Children are offered milk or water and fresh fruit at every daily snack. At specific times throughout the year, however, if we are celebrating special events or festivals we will offer children the opportunity to try a range of different foods.
5. Toothbrushing Programme - We are part of the 'Smile Too' programme and children are taught how to brush their teeth and do this every day in nursery after snack.
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