Additional Support
At Penilee Nursery we are committed to supporting all children. If we have any concerns about your child's progress we will bring it to your attention. At times, it is helpful to have a specialist assessment done to clarify exactly where a child's difficulties lie. We would also make a specific support programme to give a child individual support for learning that is linked to thir current development needs. No child would be referred to a specialist without their parent/carers consent beforehand. Likewise, should you have any concerns about your child's development please speak to us in order that we can support you in accessing any additional support.
Some of the agencies and people we work closely with are:
Our Link Educational Psychologist - Danielle McShane
Our Speech and Language Therapist - Heather Mason
Health Visitors - Your own child's Health Visitor
Grobals Child Development Centre
Inclusion Policy of the Nursery - We respect and welcome children and parents of all backgrounds. Inclusion is at the heart of our practice.
Our Equal Opportunities Policy - All early years services should reflect the council’s Equal Opportunities Policies and be anti-racist, multi-cultural and recognise the rights of both men and women to work or to care for children. Provision should take account of the needs of children, with additional learning needs or chronic illnesses. These principles are reflected in the criteria used to admit children to nursery and in the curriculum of all the establishment.
Open Access - The nursery operates an open door policy, where parents may discuss issues at any time. An appointment may also be made for a convenient time for a meeting if you prefer.
Accessibility Strategy - Our nursery school has a duty to ensure that all children have equal access to the curriculum, supported as appropriate to their needs. This covers not only the content of lessons and teaching strategies but also minor adaptations to the physical environment of our building to address the needs of children with physical or sensory impairments. We also need to ensure that parents who have a disability have equal access to information about their children. This could involve, for example, relocating the venue for parents meetings to facilitate physical access at parents’ evenings or individual interviews.
Race Equality Policy - It is a requirement that every educational establishment has a Race Equality Policy in accordance with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and also Glasgow City Council and Scottish Executive guidelines which stipulates:-
· The elimination of unlawful racial discrimination
· The promotion of Equality of Opportunities
· The promotion of good race relations
Inspection - We are inspected and reviewed by the two external bodies, Education Scotland and SCSWIS (Social Care and Social Work Scotland).The SCSWIS inspections are based on The National Care Standards. The main principles of the SCSWIS Standards are -Dignity, privacy, choice, safety, realising potential, equality and diversity. Copies of the most up to date inspection reports are available online and are also displayed on the 'General Information' noticeboard.